name | unit | type | precision | description | notes |
sunrise | UTC | string | 2 | UTC time of sunrise for this station on the valid date. | Not directly observed - derived from the station position. |
precipAcc12Hour | mm | float | 2 | Amount of liquid precipitation (typically rain) measured in the 12 hours before the valid timestamp. | None |
precipAcc6Hour | mm | float | 2 | Amount of liquid precipitation (typically rain) measured in the 6 hours before the valid timestamp. | None |
metarWx | code | code | 2 | Plain English description of present weather conditions derived directly from METAR code. | Example: ‘+TS’ in original METAR would be expressed as ‘heavy thunderstorm’ |
precipType | string | 2 | Currently in beta. | None | |
snowDepth | mm | float | 2 | The measure of accumulated snow thickness on the ground surface in millimeters. | This is total snow depth at a given time, not freshly added snow over a period. |
waterLevel | mm | float | 2 | None | None |
windGust2m | m/s | float | 2 | Wind gust speed 2m above the surface, normally a 3 second average sampled in the 10 minute before the valid timestamp. | This height is an approximation for data sources where we know or it is reasonable to assume that winds will be measured closer to 2m than 10m. As a general rule 10m wind speeds will be 30% higher than 2m. |
airTempMax24Hour | Celsius | float | 1 | Maximum air temperature 2m above the surface, measured in the 24 hours before the valid time. | Can be reported at source or aggregated by our API over any daily period by specifying interval=24h in observations endpoint. |
altimeter | hpa | float | 2 | Air pressure corrected to / valid at mean sea level for the purpose of aircraft instrument calibration. | Roughly equivalent to pressureMsl but will start to deviate significantly at higher elevations (>1km) |
visibility | km | float | 2 | Horizontal visibility. | Maximum visibility value may vary depending on source. |
sunshine60Min | minutes | integer | None | Number of minutes of sunshine (sun unobscured by cloud) over the hour before the observation time. | None |
precipRate | mm/hr | float | 2 | Precipitation rate or intensity, in mm per hour. | Can be effectively taken as precipAcc60Min (mm) assuming the precip at observed time was constant over the previous hour. If precipRate is given every 10 minutes, divide by 6 to get precipAcc10Min equivalent. |
cloudBase | m | float | 1 | The observed altitude of the base of the clouds, aka ceiling height. | When we talk about a cloud base of 3,000 ft, we usually mean that there is broken or more cloud from 3,000 ft. |
airTempMin1Hour | Celsius | float | 1 | Minimum air temperature 2m above the surface, measured in the 1 hour before the valid time. | Reported at source. We do not currently aggregate data from lower time periods to higher time periods. |
windGust | m/s | float | 2 | Wind gust speed 10m above the surface, normally a 3 second average sampled in the 10 minute before the valid timestamp. | Exact height of measurement is 10m for networks which conform to WMO standards (METAR and SYNOP). |
airTempMax12Hour | Celsius | float | 1 | Maximum air temperature 2m above the surface, measured in the 12 hours before the valid time. | Reported at source. We do not currently aggregate data from lower time periods to higher time periods. |
sunshine24Hour | minutes | integer | None | Number of minutes of sunshine (sun unobscured by cloud) over the 24 hours before the observation time. | None |
airTempMin12Hour | Celsius | float | 1 | Minimum air temperature 2m above the surface, measured in the 12 hours before the valid time. | Reported at source. We do not currently aggregate data from lower time periods to higher time periods. |
airTempMin24Hour | Celsius | float | 1 | Minimum air temperature 2m above the surface, measured in the 24 hours before the valid time. | Can be reported at source or aggregated by our API over any daily period by specifying interval=24h in observations endpoint. |
windSpeed2m | m/s | float | 2 | Wind speed 2m above the surface, normally averaged over 10 minutes. | This height is an approximation for data sources where we know or it is reasonable to assume that winds will be measured closer to 2m than 10m. As a general rule 10m wind speeds will be 30% higher than 2m. |
windDirection2m | degree | float | 2 | Compass direction the corresponding windSpeed2m is coming from. | This height is an approximation for data sources where we know or it is reasonable to assume that winds will be measured closer to 2m than 10m. As a general rule 10m wind speeds will be 30% higher than 2m. |
airTemp5cm | Celsius | float | 1 | Temperature measured near the ground at a height of 5 centimetres. | Available predominately via DTN EU network |
sunset | UTC | string | 2 | UTC time of sunset for this station on the valid date. | Not directly observed - derived from the station position. |
airTemp | Celsius | float | 1 | Instantaneous air temperature 2m above the surface. | Exact height of measurement is 2m for networks which conform to WMO standards (Metar and Synop). This cannot be guaranteed for all sources but deviations in air temperatures at most surface measurement heights will be trivial. |
cloudCover | percent | float | 2 | Percentage of the sky covered by cloud. 100% = overcast, 0% = blue sky. | Not to be confused with ‘effective cloud cover’. Sky can still be bright with 100% totalCloud if cloud is high/thin. For Metars this parameter is derived from given cloud groups (SCT/BKN etc.) therefore has limited precision. Multiply by 0.08 to convert to oktas. |
precipAcc10Min | mm | float | 2 | Amount of liquid precipitation (typically rain) measured in the 10 minutes before the valid timestamp. | None |
soilMoisture | percent | float | 2 | The moisture level of the soil. | Stations may have multiple sensors and depths, currently the api exposes the deepest value available. In future multiple depths and sensors will be supported. |
metarSky | code | string | None | Raw METAR code describing cloud cover, height and type - used for aviation purposes. | Example: FEW005 SCT010CB BKN025 means 'few at five hundred feet, scattered cumulonimbus at one thousand feet, broken at two thousand five hundred feet'. Up to three, but occasionally more, cloud groups may be reported. Further decoding information is widely available online. |
wbgt | Celsius | float | 1 | Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) is a measure of the heat stress in direct sunlight, which takes into account: temperature, humidity, wind speed, sun angle and cloud cover (solar radiation). | None |
surfaceTemp | Celsius | float | 1 | Temperature of the road (pavement) surface, usually used for winter road maintenance. | RWIS stations often have multiple sensors, where a station has more than 1 these are labelled as surfaceTemp2 to surfaceTemp6. surfaceTemp is not exclusive to networkType RWIS, other networkTypes may have this parameter. |
soilTemp | Celsius | float | 1 | Temperature of soil at a given depth. | Stations may have multiple sensors and depths, currently the api exposes the deepest value available. In future multiple depths and sensors will be supported. |
shortWaveRadiation | watts per square meter | float | 2 | Instantaneous solar (direct plus diffuse) radiation. Also called GHI. | This can be effectively converted to globalRadiation60Min (Jcm2) by multiplying by 0.36, assuming the solarRadiation at observed time was constant over the previous hour. |
dewPoint | Celsius | float | 1 | Dew point temperature 2m above the surface. The temperature to which the air must be cooled for saturation and condensation to occur. | Exact height of measurement is 2m for networks which conform to WMO standards (Metar and Synop). This cannot be guaranteed for all sources but deviations in air temperatures at most surface measurement heights will be trivial. |
relativeHumidity | percent | float | 2 | Relative humidity represents the ratio of the actual amount of water vapour in the air to the maximum amount that can physically exist at a given air temperature. | Exact height of measurement is 2m for networks which conform to WMO standards (Metar and Synop). This cannot be guaranteed for all sources but deviations in air temperatures at most surface measurement heights will be trivial. |
mslPressure | hPA | float | 2 | Air pressure corrected to / valid at mean sea level. | Roughly equivalent to altimeter but will start to deviate significantly at higher elevations (>1km) |
stationPressure | hPA | float | 2 | Air pressure valid at station’s elevation. | None |
windSpeed | m/s | float | 2 | Wind speed 10m above the surface averaged over 10 minutes. | Exact height of measurement is 10m for networks which conform to WMO standards (METAR and SYNOP). |
windDirection | degree | float | 2 | Compass direction the corresponding windSpeed10m is coming from. | Exact height of measurement is 10m for networks which conform to WMO standards (METAR and SYNOP). |
precipAcc60Min | mm | float | 2 | Amount of liquid precipitation (typically rain) measured in the 1 hour before the valid timestamp. | We do not currently sum or aggregate from sub-hourly precipitation to get to precip60Min but this is often done at source. The parameter ‘precip’ is a value for accumulated precipitation and may also be useful although its exact definition depends on its source. |
waveDirection | degrees | float | None | The mean direction of ocean/sea surface waves generated by local winds and swell. | None |
precipAcc24Hour | mm | float | 2 | Amount of liquid precipitation (typically rain) measured in the 24 hours before the valid timestamp. | Can be reported at source or aggregated by our API over any daily period by specifying interval=24h in observations endpoint. Values from NOAA_GHCND are stored with default timestamp 1111UTC where the true timestamp is not known. |
seaWaterTemperature | Celsius | float | 2 | The temperature of the water close to the ocean’s surface. | None |
wavePeakPeriod | seconds | float | 2 | The period of the most energetic waves where period is the time it takes for two consecutive wave crests, on the surface of the ocean/sea, to pass through a fixed point. | None |
sunshine10Min | minutes | float | None | Number of minutes of sunshine (sun unobscured by cloud) over the 10 minutes before the observation time. | None |
seaWaterSalinity | g/kg | float | 2 | The salt concentration in sea water. | None |
eastwardCurrent | m/s | float | None | The speed of the component of the sea current travelling towards the east. Negative is westerly. | None |
northwardCurrent | m/s | float | None | The speed of the component of the sea current travelling towards the north. Negative is southerly. | None |
significantWaveHeight | metres | float | 2 | The mean wave height (trough to crest) of the highest third of the waves. | None |
precipAcc3Hour | mm | float | 2 | Amount of liquid precipitation (typically rain) measured in the 3 hours before the valid timestamp. | None |
windGust3Hour | m/s | float | 2 | Maximum observed wind gust speed 10m above the surface during the 3 hours before the valid timestamp. | Exact height of measurement is 10m for networks which conform to WMO standards (METAR and SYNOP). |
windGust6Hour | m/s | float | None | Maximum observed wind gust speed 10m above the surface during the 6 hours before the valid timestamp. | Exact height of measurement is 10m for networks which conform to WMO standards (METAR and SYNOP). |
globalRadiation60Min | joules per square centimeter | float | None | Solar radiation integrated over the previous hour. | This can be effectively converted to the instantaneous solarRadiation by dividing by 0.36, assuming the radiation at the end of the hour = the average of the previous hour. |
leafWetness | index | float | 2 | Presence of surface moisture on a crop. | With range from 0 (completely dry) to 15 (saturated). |
globalRadiation24Hour | joules per square centimeter | float | None | Total solar radiation accumulated over the past 24 hours. | Can be reported at source or aggregated by our API over any daily period by specifying interval=24h in observations endpoint. |
wmoWeatherCode | code | integer | 0 | WMO weather code corresponding to table 4677. | See reference table on |
airTempMax1Hour | Celsius | float | 1 | Maximum air temperature 2m above the surface, measured in the 1 hour before the valid time. | Reported at source. We do not currently aggregate data from lower time periods to higher time periods. |
windGust60Min | m/s | float | 2 | Maximum observed wind gust speed 10m above the surface during the 1 hour before the valid timestamp. | Exact height of measurement is 10m for networks which conform to WMO standards (METAR and SYNOP). |
wmoWeatherCode4680 | code | integer | 0 | WMO weather code corresponding to table 4680. | Limited availability, use wmoWeatherCode in most cases. |
feelsLikeTemp | Celsius | float | 2 | The equivalent human perceived temperature, taking into account the combined effects of air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. | When airTemp is less than or equal to 10 celsius, feelsLikeTemp is synonymous with windChill. If airTemp is great than or equal to 27, its synonymous with heatIndex. |
wetBulb | Celsius | float | 1 | The temperature read by a well-ventilated thermometer covered in water-soaked cloth. | At 100% relative humidity, the wet-bulb temperature is equal to the air temperature; at lower humidity the wet-bulb temperature is lower than dry-bulb temperature because of evaporative cooling. |
airTempAvg24Hour | Celsius | float | 1 | Air temperature 2m above the surface, averaged over the 24 hours before the valid time | None |
windSpeedAvg24Hour | m/s | float | 2 | Wind speed 10m above the surface, averaged over the 24 hours before the valid time | None |
windGustMax24Hour | m/s | float | 2 | Maximum wind gust speed 10m above the surface, observed in the 24 hours before the valid time. | None |
windDirectionAvg24Hour | degree | float | 2 | Wind direction averaged over the 24 hours before the valid time | None |
surfaceTemp4 | Celsius | float | 1 | Temperature of the road (pavement) surface, usually used for winter road maintenance. | RWIS stations often have multiple sensors, where a station has more than 1 these are labelled as surfaceTemp2 to surfaceTemp6. surfaceTemp is not exclusive to networkType RWIS, other networkTypes may have this parameter. |
surfaceTemp6 | Celsius | float | 1 | Temperature of the road (pavement) surface, usually used for winter road maintenance. | RWIS stations often have multiple sensors, where a station has more than 1 these are labelled as surfaceTemp2 to surfaceTemp6. surfaceTemp is not exclusive to networkType RWIS, other networkTypes may have this parameter. |
soilTemp100cm | Celsius | float | 1 | Temperature of the ground 1 metre below the surface. | None |
surfaceTemp3 | Celsius | float | 1 | Temperature of the road (pavement) surface, usually used for winter road maintenance. | RWIS stations often have multiple sensors, where a station has more than 1 these are labelled as surfaceTemp2 to surfaceTemp6. surfaceTemp is not exclusive to networkType RWIS, other networkTypes may have this parameter. |
fuelMoisture | percent | float | 2 | Fuel moisture is a measure of the amount of water in a fuel (vegetation) available to a fire | |
pressureChange3Hour | hPA | float | 2 | The change in air pressure over a 3-hour period. | This parameter provides information on the change in air pressure over a 3-hour interval, which can be useful for weather forecasting and analysis. |
surfaceTemp2 | Celsius | float | 1 | Temperature of the road (pavement) surface, usually used for winter road maintenance. | RWIS stations often have multiple sensors, where a station has more than 1 these are labelled as surfaceTemp2 to surfaceTemp6. surfaceTemp is not exclusive to networkType RWIS, other networkTypes may have this parameter. |
surfaceTemp5 | Celsius | float | 1 | Temperature of the road (pavement) surface, usually used for winter road maintenance. | RWIS stations often have multiple sensors, where a station has more than 1 these are labelled as surfaceTemp2 to surfaceTemp6. surfaceTemp is not exclusive to networkType RWIS, other networkTypes may have this parameter. |
conductivity | mhos/cm | float | 2 | An RWIS parameter. Indicates the ability of the road surface to conduct electrical current, which can be useful for assessing the presence of moisture, salts, or other substances that affect road conditions. | None |
precipAcc15min | mm | float | 2 | None | |
freshSnowDepth | mm | float | 2 | The newly added / fresh amount of of accumulated snow in millimeters, since the last observation. | This is freshly added snow, for total snow depth use snowDepth. |
airTemp5cmMin12Hour | Celsius | float | None | Minimum temperature measured near the ground at a height of 5 centimetres, over the past 12 hours. |